The Best (2014)

To Smart Fantasy Football Players,

I started using FFMastermind.com in 2000, I believe.  What got me then is what brought me back four years ago and it's what will keep me here every year... the best personal service Mike offers.  He answers e-mails from his subscribers.  That may not mean much to some but to me that is huge!  I've won the title in my main 14-team league two out of the last four years.  Could not have done it without the Mastermind.  All I can say is... I hope everybody out there recognizes my man's skills except for my fellow league members!

Walter V.

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Mastermind Moment

FFMastermind.com Wins Another $4.1K!
Monday, January 6th, 2025

Many patrons ask Why should they subscribe to FFMastermind.com Premium Services when they are other cheaper services? Well, FFMastermind.com's Michael Nazarek did it again!

Read the Full Mastermind Moment


"Your site is great and I am hooked. I will be a subscriber as long as I play. Great Job and if you use my testimony please only use my first name I dont want my opponents to know I use this site. Sorry..."
-- James G.

"Just a quick note to say your site is fantastic!! I really like the premium e-mail updates you send out to us subscribers..."
-- Tom Haas

"I'd like to thank Fantasy Football Mastermind for all their great information this year. I was in five leagues this year. I made the playoffs in four of the leagues, had the best record in three leagues, went to the championship in three leagues."
-- Fred Masterjohn

"Picked up my second consecutive championship in the major league I play in. $1,100 first prize! First back to back winner in league history and my 3rd Fantasy Bowl in a row. Thanks for the help throughout the year!"
-- Brett H.

"The Mastermind's site is locked, loaded and ready to blast your team to the top... News, articles, analysis, Premium Services... If you want it, you'll find it on this site..."
-- Bob Harris - TFL Report

"Fantasy Football Mastermind includes everything imaginable associated with fantasy football."
-- Fantasy Sports Online For Dummies

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